Monday, April 29, 2013

Semesters, changes, and recommendations

Brothers and Sisters isn't this an amazing and glorious time to be working with missionaries and get to experience the miracles of the Lord's work first hand?! I am so excited to experience the opportunities that are just ahead in the next few months.

As Lissy pointed out in our mandatory meeting on Friday, we have a birds eye view but some of the worms eye view problems or concerns are yet to be seen/noticed. The purpose of his post is to invite you to leave your recommendations and suggestions about known and unknown problems.

Following are some of the obvious concerns that need to be addressed:
  • Having a third teacher in the classroom- what's the best way for everyone to have a clear purpose?
  • What is the most effective way to do PI with 3 teachers?
  • How can I use my floating ZR time effectively?
  • etc...
Please make a contribution to this and let's see what creative ideas we can come up with.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Some Thoughts Concerning This Work Part II

Last night I took the time to stop talking (yes I have a problem with talking too much) and simply listen to my missionaries.

I felt as though the talk that we often show our missionaries by Elder Holland rang in my ears. Listen and they will give you something testify of... or along those lines. Here is what I learned.

  1. Don't rob them of an experience- I began to be nervous as I watched my missionaries become silent. In my mind I began to think "Oh no my lesson is too boring." But then something great happened! A small little sister spoke up and said, " Sometimes I feel as though we are being lectured, but today I have had to think. As I thought I gained a better understanding of my relationship with God." We often tell our missionaries that our investigators will remember the experience and not all of the things taught. Then why do we drown our missionaries in things taught and not the experience? I gained a better understanding that true doctrines must be presented, the missionaries then ponders, the spirit testifies, and the missionary applies and gains understanding.
  2. Trust them, but more importantly trust God- Through this process I gained a better understanding of a missionary's calling. I sometimes over explain, talk, and list detail in fear that the missionary will not understand. In doing so I take away from the revelatory experience that missionary may have. God has called them, He trust them, and so should I.
I feel I have learned more about myself and my relationship with God through his servants, the missionaries. They may be not perfect, but they are called of God. I love them. I love this work.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Some Thoughts Concerning This Work...

After last night's class I just have to say that things are awesome!!! The missionaries the Lord is raising up are blowing me away! Brothers and Sisters, we have much to be grateful for! What a blessing it is to be here and witness this and help in a small way.

I am trying all I can to implement these recent trainings and I am seeing miracles in the class as I turn time over to them to have their own learning. As I focus on their conversion, their skills as missionaries are growing! A couple key things have stuck out to me:

1. Don't leap frog the missionaries - I don't know if you have noticed how Lisanne recently has been making the trainings more about us (or maybe I am just now noticing what she has been doing all along). She is helping us become more converted unto the Lord with the understanding that doing so will naturally create changes in the classroom. Recently I have been inviting the missionaries to consider God's hand in their own life concerning the activity we are doing. We then take those thoughts and use them to fulfill their purpose. Their studies are more powerful, their role plays are more powerful, and their desire to learn and help others is more powerful!

2. Setting up practices is key - I learned last night that if we take practice time more seriously by how much time we put into preparation and its uniqueness, the missionaries will catch the vision. They will meet our expectations, so we must push them! Think how Lisanne pushes us. Pay attention to how well thought out her practices are and how much they help us learn the objective. We must do the same!

3. Trust them - I have been humbled by the Elders' and Sisters' experiences with their Father in Heaven. Most are here because they know this is what they need to be doing. Many have quite the conversion to the Lord already. Trust them that they know the material, we are just helping them see it in the context of missionary work.

I know there are many Districts that are having their struggles. Many missionaries are needing very specific attention to needs. Don't give up on the hard times! Don't forget what you are doing and why you're here!

I will continue to enjoy this opportunity to be here at the MTC. I will forever treasure the lessons I am being taught. These blessings and gratitude are pushing me to do all I can to help them fulfill their purpose.

This is the Lord's work!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Taking advantage of missionary study.

After lissanes training on conversion, Marissa and I decided to really focus on helping the missionaries have the best experiences possible outside of class. We identified their personal study on Thursday and Friday (hours and hours worth) as a huge oppurtunity for the missionaries to grow. We discussed with them the importance for their studies and then helped them set fails and make plans for their study time.

On Friday I followed up.on their studies and I was amazed. They had studied.diligently and effectively over the past two days and they were on fire. We got into the doctrine of Christ fundamental and they just got it. The spirit was super strong and I know that its because if their effort and action.

Since then we've tried to help them prepare for other out if class experiences like the temple, preparation day, and the Sabbath. They do such an incredible job in inviting spiritual experiences as we merely help them prepare.