Sunday, November 17, 2013
Preparation and Attitude
At the very end of the lesson, I had a prompting to read a quote from Brigham Young about “a man without eloquence.” As I was reading, I saw Elder Mayfield get out a piece of paper and follow along as I was reciting it. When I finished, he told me that their Mission President had sent that exact quote to all of them when they got their call, and he told them that we need not worry about our personal ability, but we need to focus on what the Lord can do with us. It brought the Spirit so strong to have that second witness. I can truly say that the success and growth (both in me and the missionaries) that came from yesterday was a direct result of preparation and reliance of God. My Attitude was changed because I allowed the doctrine to prepare me. When we are prepared, we need not fear, and when we are prepared, it allows more of an opportunity to convey the Love we have to others. Preparation brings an attitude of the Spirit. Make time: It'll be completely worth it.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
On preparation
If we prepare adequately, then we will be ready to receive what the Lord has for us. And that’s exciting stuff.
Anyway, these are some thoughts I've been having lately and though I'd share.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
To all New Teachers: There is Help!
Let me tell you a story.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
VC Culture
Like Jairus' daughter in this photo, we hope for the sisters to find "new life" as a missionary. We see them renewing their baptismal covenants (or being reborn) in a way that helps them to recognize the Savior is lifting them. He is lifting them so that they can understand they have a marvelous future ahead of them as missionaries and as a saints. Their purpose now and forever is to bring others to the Savior, which is ultimately what Jairus' daughter did for her father; he had to literally go to the Savior to find healing and answers.
As these sisters come to know their Savior in our classroom, the culture of the Visitor Center Zone will be one of healing, learning, ministering, and conversion because Jesus Christ is the Master Healer, Teacher, Minister, and Savior for us all.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Lessons Learned from the Past Zone 3
Here are some past lessons we have learned that will enable us to face the future, both at the MTC and in our personal lives.
We invite anyone else who wants to take this reflective moment and see the Lord's hand in their lives to add the lessons they have learned as well.
Monday, July 29, 2013
"I've Never Been So Happy to See an Ankle Monitor..."
I recently received a letter from a sister from my most recent district. She hasn't been in the field (Kansas) for more than three weeks, but she had something urgent to say. Apparently she and her trainer came across a gentleman who was very similar to Dave--almost the exact same person! This sister said how much she felt that teaching Dave prepared her to teach this man in Kansas. The letter continued, "Brother Turner, I've never been so happy to see an ankle monitor that was activated in the evening..." She thanked me for choosing to portray one of my favorite investigators, because she felt that it had prepared her to love this particular investigator of hers even more than she thought she would.
If treated appropriately and even reverently, P.I. can be an experience that will prepare our missionaries to teach not only at a general level but at a very personal, emotional level too. It warmed my heart as I read of this sister's love for this man and his progression in the Gospel.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Our Identity: Imagining the Infinity of Immortality
"Think of it, brothers and sisters, even with their extensive longevity, stars are not immortal, but you are." -Neal A. Maxwell
Thursday, May 30, 2013
They are Prepared
Seeing these missionaries was a humbling experience. It brought me great joy to know that I - and us all - aid the Lord in His eternal purposes. Teaching here at the MTC, we continue to play an integral part of the Lord's work.
God's great and eternal purposes are moving forward and it's amazing to be so involved. If you take anything from this, know that the Lord is very aware of the work here and is not only pleased as we do our best to help prepare His servants, but that they really are ready for His work when they leave the MTC and enter the mission field.
Keep up the good work :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Here was Heaven.
Dear zone resources.
Zone teaching has become the most powerful part of my day.
...even and ESPECIALLY when it is the last hour before dinner, after 2 long shifts with only lunch inbetween for the missionaries.
If you have a moment, in humility and gratitude, I wish to share with you an experience with zone teaching that was a gift from heaven.
The fundamental on the schedule was "Revelation through prayer."
The windows of heaven opened today, and poured down right over room 409.
We started with a simple activity.
Question: how has your relationship with Heavenly Father grown in the MTC?
We made a solid list.
Somehow, the Lord led us to this question: "can you imagine what it will be like to see Heavenly Father again?"
...then this activity: " fact...close your eyes...imagine that reunion...what will you feel, what look will be on Heavenly Father's face, what will He say to you...?"
We closed our eyes.
Revelation. Love. The fruits of eternal life fell into our laps.
When we opened our eyes, most were misty. After one or two comments, we knew this needed to be recorded. After they recorded their experiences, I invited any who felt prompted to share. How can i even express their experiences?
Elder Christianson said that all day he has been feeling satan tug at him and make him feel like he can't do this, and it would be so easy to go home. When he closed his eyes, he saw Heavenly Father saying: "What do you mean you can't do this? Yes you can. I believe in YOU. I will be disappointed if you go home, because I know you can do this, and I need you to." He said when he opened his eyes, he wanted to punch satan in the face. (At the end of zone teaching, he stood up, and invited the whole zone to fight for the kingdom of God. powerful.)
When i asked what they wanted to do now, one sister said "Share it!!!" and elder myers said "talk to God! it's like we can face time with him, when we imagine him there with us!" so we did both. We took 10 minutes to write a letter to God. A recorded prayer. They prayed first, and began to write. The tears continued to flow for many of us.
Then they shared it: We practiced the follow-up part of "revelation through prayer." they followed-up with their companions, about the experiences with prayer and with heaven that they had just had, starting with insired questions, and ending with an invitation to act on revelation received. Powerful teaching commenced, with heartfelt testimonies resonating off the fragile sound boards in such a way I knew heaven was listening from nearby.
When we came back together, we did an "I know" circle. Each missionary shared what the Lord had confirmed for them during this zone teaching. Here are a few things I heard: "I know God loves me, personally." "I know home is in God's presence, and i will stop at nothing less." "I have been converted today." "I know I can be forgiven." "I know God loved me enough to send His son so that I could return to Him." "I know nails did not hold Christ to the cross, but his love for us did." "This has been a turning point in my mission. I feel more ready for my mission than ever before. I know God is proud of me and will help me." "I know God will run to me when i return to him (prodigal son story we had studied)." "I feel like Heavenly Father is hugging my heart." Etc. etc. and more for eternity!
We read D&C 6:32 "...where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there i will be in the midst of them-even so i am in the midst of you." This truth was sweetly confirmed.
I know this is God's work. Only He could meet all the needs of His children in this little room at the MTC through an imperfect teacher who has been at the mtc for 8.5 hours already, and has 24 missionaries who are just ready for dinner after 2 shifts with their teachers, sitting in front of her. I know God is meeting His children's needs through each of you, when you kneel in preparation, and stand in humility before His servants. I know charity never faileth. I know God loves us and wants us to come home. When we kneel to pray, and when we invite our investigators to do so, we are inviting them to go home, to talk with their father, and recognize their divine identity. THIS is something to follow up on.
Dear teachers, I invite you to seek out and expect to have converting experiences with your missionaries. Expect and be prepared to receive the blessings of heaven at every moment. Ask and ye shall receive...
P.S. We have the best job in the world. I am changed for the better, every day I come to this sacred institution. Aaah, grateful. Thank you, Heavenly Father.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Semesters, changes, and recommendations
As Lissy pointed out in our mandatory meeting on Friday, we have a birds eye view but some of the worms eye view problems or concerns are yet to be seen/noticed. The purpose of his post is to invite you to leave your recommendations and suggestions about known and unknown problems.
Following are some of the obvious concerns that need to be addressed:
- Having a third teacher in the classroom- what's the best way for everyone to have a clear purpose?
- What is the most effective way to do PI with 3 teachers?
- How can I use my floating ZR time effectively?
- etc...
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Some Thoughts Concerning This Work Part II
I felt as though the talk that we often show our missionaries by Elder Holland rang in my ears. Listen and they will give you something testify of... or along those lines. Here is what I learned.
- Don't rob them of an experience- I began to be nervous as I watched my missionaries become silent. In my mind I began to think "Oh no my lesson is too boring." But then something great happened! A small little sister spoke up and said, " Sometimes I feel as though we are being lectured, but today I have had to think. As I thought I gained a better understanding of my relationship with God." We often tell our missionaries that our investigators will remember the experience and not all of the things taught. Then why do we drown our missionaries in things taught and not the experience? I gained a better understanding that true doctrines must be presented, the missionaries then ponders, the spirit testifies, and the missionary applies and gains understanding.
- Trust them, but more importantly trust God- Through this process I gained a better understanding of a missionary's calling. I sometimes over explain, talk, and list detail in fear that the missionary will not understand. In doing so I take away from the revelatory experience that missionary may have. God has called them, He trust them, and so should I.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Some Thoughts Concerning This Work...
I am trying all I can to implement these recent trainings and I am seeing miracles in the class as I turn time over to them to have their own learning. As I focus on their conversion, their skills as missionaries are growing! A couple key things have stuck out to me:
1. Don't leap frog the missionaries - I don't know if you have noticed how Lisanne recently has been making the trainings more about us (or maybe I am just now noticing what she has been doing all along). She is helping us become more converted unto the Lord with the understanding that doing so will naturally create changes in the classroom. Recently I have been inviting the missionaries to consider God's hand in their own life concerning the activity we are doing. We then take those thoughts and use them to fulfill their purpose. Their studies are more powerful, their role plays are more powerful, and their desire to learn and help others is more powerful!
2. Setting up practices is key - I learned last night that if we take practice time more seriously by how much time we put into preparation and its uniqueness, the missionaries will catch the vision. They will meet our expectations, so we must push them! Think how Lisanne pushes us. Pay attention to how well thought out her practices are and how much they help us learn the objective. We must do the same!
3. Trust them - I have been humbled by the Elders' and Sisters' experiences with their Father in Heaven. Most are here because they know this is what they need to be doing. Many have quite the conversion to the Lord already. Trust them that they know the material, we are just helping them see it in the context of missionary work.
I know there are many Districts that are having their struggles. Many missionaries are needing very specific attention to needs. Don't give up on the hard times! Don't forget what you are doing and why you're here!
I will continue to enjoy this opportunity to be here at the MTC. I will forever treasure the lessons I am being taught. These blessings and gratitude are pushing me to do all I can to help them fulfill their purpose.
This is the Lord's work!!!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Taking advantage of missionary study.
After lissanes training on conversion, Marissa and I decided to really focus on helping the missionaries have the best experiences possible outside of class. We identified their personal study on Thursday and Friday (hours and hours worth) as a huge oppurtunity for the missionaries to grow. We discussed with them the importance for their studies and then helped them set fails and make plans for their study time.
On Friday I followed up.on their studies and I was amazed. They had studied.diligently and effectively over the past two days and they were on fire. We got into the doctrine of Christ fundamental and they just got it. The spirit was super strong and I know that its because if their effort and action.
Since then we've tried to help them prepare for other out if class experiences like the temple, preparation day, and the Sabbath. They do such an incredible job in inviting spiritual experiences as we merely help them prepare.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Real Experiences
Focus on the issue above seems to be a common thing for alot of teachers, espically new teachers. However, i just felt to share a recent experience with my most recent district concerning the subject.
The Lord never leaves the sides of his missionaires. He cares for them and knows them perfectly. As I began to teach the Fundamental revelation through church attendance, I began to feel concern for the responses the missionaires were showing. Usually it can be easy to shrug these uneasy feelings off as a teacher. we tell ourselves, "of course they are acting like this, they just have to get into what they are studying and then they will start to change". I noted and disregarded the responses of the missionaries and rather obvious prompting from the spirit until i could not stand it any more. I stopped the missionaires in the middle of practice (after it was set up and rolling along) and ask them to teach the "investigator" as themselves. I had never tried this but know it is pretty common tool to use to help the missionaires get out of their routines, and it worked! The missionaries in this district had great unity and they knew and cared for the other missionaries they were teaching about church and the importance of receiving revelation. I didn't realize this when i had the prompting but saw the evidences of their unity and its role in helping them be taught by the spirit. The spirit bore wintess of the importance of the fundamental and the love of Jesus Christ has for the not only the investigators but all the missionaires.
I know that what we all "do" will change according to teachers and missionaries. i experienced this first hand as i tried to just do this activity again with the district with very different results. The simple but powerful lesson i have learned is that the Lord is in charge of his missionaires just as he is in charge of the missionaries investigators. As we help and invite every child of God to come unto Christ we will all (DC 50:22) begin to progress and enjoy our individual paths back to our Heavenly Father.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Receiving Grace for Grace
Last week I was floating whilst my wife was out of town for work. Not exactly the best combination. In the midst of all that, I must have become a little dehydrated because by the time Friday rolled around, I was feeling nauseated and achy and just altogether weak. I sent a text to my ZC and to the teacher I was supposed to work with that night letting them both know that it didn't seem like I was going to have the strength to come in that evening. Shortly after sending out the texts, the young teacher responded that there were a few missionaries in his group (set to leave the MTC in just a few days) that had expressed a desire to go home and that, if it were possible, my help would be much appreciated.
By the time the night shift started, despite taking a nap and resting most of the day, I still wasn't feeling 100% but I collected myself, popped a few Aleve and achily drove to the MTC. Just walking into the building, I felt weak with every step. However, after sitting down in the room with the missionaries and the young teacher, everything began to change.
As I listened to the teacher and the missionaries discuss the Doctrine of Christ, and, sad to say, casually dissect and reduce it down to those interrelated principles and ordinances of the gospel, I was moved by the reality that all of God's children have the potential to become like Him and that, as missionaries, we have an opportunity to see people and love people with that sort of love. That just as God is not content to simply enable us to be "good people" or increase in faith just a bit, we can have that same infinite hope and love for those we teach.
I remember only a few things that I said next to those missionaries, but I very distinctly remember what they said and felt and became over their next few rounds of practices and during their Book of Mormon Reading. Just as Mosiah 5 says, these missionaries were blessed with "great views": of themselves, of their purpose as missionaries and children of God, of those that they teach, and all that lies ahead.
I don't mean to brag, but I truly felt in that evening that I received grace for grace-- that as I strived to help and enable and lift another, God lifted me. I was able to return home that evening and eat an entire meal for the first time in 24 hours and feel a good amount of strength in my old, brittle bones. My testimony is that we all can receive such enabling power from God and from Christ. As we strive to be a divine enabling force in the lives of our missionaries and in fellow teachers and in our fellow man, those are the moments that God is most willing to lift and magnify us.